
Templates in C (yes! plain C! Not C++!)

Why using templates?

Imagine you have to write a set of functions in C, which differ only by a few keywords (typically type keywords). For instance, let's say we want to write a function computing the sum of two arrays of length n, for floats, doubles, and ints (null pointers tests are left out for the sake of clarity):

  void sum_float(int n, float *a, float *b)
    /* computes a:=a+b where a and b are two arrays of length n */
    int i;
    for(i=0;i<n;i++) a[i]+=b[i];

  void sum_double(int n, double *a, double *b)
    /* computes a:=a+b where a and b are two arrays of length n */
    int i;
    for(i=0;i<n;i++) a[i]+=b[i];

  void sum_int(int n, int *a, int *b)
    /* computes a:=a+b where a and b are two arrays of length n */
    int i;
    for(i=0;i<n;i++) a[i]+=b[i];

Wouldn't it be nicer to type the function just once, by specifying what keyword is "variable", then "instanciating" the function for each possible value of the "variable", and then having a way to call the exact variant of the function? Of course, for a simple function like this one, it wouldn't make much sense. But think about a much, much longer function. Or set of functions...

This is what templates do. In C++ there is a template keyword that allows to do just that. The downsides is that it is sometimes hard to port. And it does not exist in C.

Here's a technique to emulate the use of templates in C. It only uses the standard C preprocessor and it is, as far as I know, ANSI C89-compliant. And it works in C++, too. It is also very useful for OpenCL, which has a fully working pre-processor but no templates.

Note: Over the year, this simple blog post has been cited in many places, translated into Russian, quoted on Greek, Chinese, Finnish forums. Wow! I was contacted and asked whether I "discovered' this technique. No, I do not claim to have invented this trick, because I saw it while digging in code. However, I have found that it is not widely known despite its obvious usefulness, hence the tutorial.

Templates in C

Ingredient 1: a concatenation macro

First, we need to declare a couple of macros. Those macros need to be included in every file that makes use of templates. To make things easier we will declare them in a .h file called "templates.h":

#ifndef TEMPLATES_H_
#define TEMPLATES_H_

#define CAT(X,Y) X##_##Y
#define TEMPLATE(X,Y) CAT(X,Y)


The goal of macro TEMPLATE(X,Y) is to have a keyword that enables us to concatenate X and Y with an underscore in between, like this: X_Y, so that writing TEMPLATE(function,type) may translate to function_type.

The ## operator is a C preprocessor directive which allows to concatenate two tokens. The reason we can't use only a single #define TEMPLATE(X,Y) X##Y macro is that if X is itself a #def'd constant, it will not be replaced by its value (the details of this question and the details behind the hack to make it work anyway may be found here (self-referential macros) and here (argument prescan)).

Ingredient 2: the functions to "templatize"

Ok, so now we want to write a .c and a .h corresponding to the functions we'd like to have as templates, right? Let's write them. To denote the variable type keyword, we use letter 'T'. This will be #defined later on in the tutorial.

First the .h:

  #ifdef T

#include "templates.h"

void TEMPLATE(sum,T)(int n, T *a, T *b);

Notice we don't guard the .h against multiple inclusion by using the standard #ifndef HEADER_H_ stuff. This is intentional. We'll see later why. On the other hand, the #ifdef T test is optional, but very useful to guard against any unlawful inclusion in the case T isn't defined, so the compiler doesn't throw a fit and starts hissing at you.

And now the .c:

  #ifdef T

#include "templates.h"

int TEMPLATE(sum,T) (int n, T *a, T *b)
/* computes a:=a+b where a and b are two arrays of length n */
int i;
for(i=0;i<n;i++) a[i]+=b[i];


Mix everything in a bowl...

Now we really want to instanciate the sum function so that all its variants exist (sum_float, sum_double, etc). We create another set of .h and .c files:

The following .c file is the one we will compile just as another .c in the project:

  #include "templates.h"
#include "all_possible_sums.h"
#ifdef T
#undef T
#define T float
#include "sum_as_template.c"

#ifdef T
#undef T
#define T double
#include "sum_as_template.c"

#ifdef T
#undef T
#define T int
#include "sum_as_template.c"

Note: on GCC, #undef T would have been enough without the #ifdef T / #endif around it; but Visual C++ (at least up to version 7) does not like it...

The following .h is the one we'll include in any .c where a variant of the sum_... function is used.


#include "templates.h"

#ifdef T
#undef T
#define T float
#include "sum_as_template.h"

#ifdef T
#undef T
#define T double
#include "sum_as_template.h"

#ifdef T
#undef T
#define T int
#include "sum_as_template.h"

This time we understand why we didn't guard sum_as_template.h against multiple inclusions: it is included once per type...

...and serve as it is!

We're all set now! Let's use the templates in an example:

  #include "all_possible_sums.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
int ai[3] = {1,2,3};
int bi[3] = {4,5,6};
float af[3] = {1.0,2.0,3.0};
float bf[3] = {1.5,2.5,3.5};
return 0;

That's all, folks!

The last word

What about complex types, you may ask? What if I want to make a template where "T" is to be replaced by, say, "unsigned long long"? Wouldn't the compiler complain that it does not know about "void sum_unsigned long long()"?

The answer is yes, but there's a workaround: typedef the offending, "multi-worded" type into a "single-worded" type, like this:

typedef unsigned long long uint64;

Then use TEMPLATE(sum,uint64) instead of TEMPLATE(sum,unsigned long long). Voilą!